
Now we don’t shop, at least in stores.

Now we peruse catalogues and websites.

No more clerks or cashiers, no more

dressing rooms and lines, no more going

around the block or lot looking for a place

to park, no more carrying bags full of

whatever we bought in the department store

clothing and dishes, lamps and luggage.

Now we order online, have become names

and numbers, credit cards and addresses.

Things we buy arrive boxed or wrapped, sit

out on the front stoop till we get home or

happen to look out. Now we know the trucks

FedEx, UPS, even the Post Office pulling up.

Rarely a word is spoken or a wave to show

we know why they are pulling up and our

place in the world of contemporary getting

and spending. Now we are learning to go

without all that getting up and going out

all that dealing with people we barely knew.

Now we are learning about the new form

of anonymity, the online order, the package

on the step, the uncomfortable quiet of it all.

J. K. Durick is a retired writing teacher and online writing tutor. His recent poems have appeared in Third WednesdayBlack Coffee Review, Literary Yard, Sparks of Calliope, Synchronized ChaosMadswirl, Journal of Expressive Writing, Lightwood, and Highland Park Poetry.