Nights Like This

Nights like this

I wonder

is there anything more

than these lousy jobs

the stink of the mornings last cigarette

the ache of the feet on concrete floors

the empty pockets at week end?

how many energy drinks

does it take to wash down uncertainty?

how many rails of lightning

off of dirty tables does it take

to get through the next shift?

Through the windows at work

I watch the cars on the highway

their tail lights reflect sinister on jailed glass

I wonder what it must be like

to wade through their dance

become one with metal

flesh muscle uncertainty


Nights like this

I think

of that one boy who I barely remembered

who became a swan in rush hour traffic

who painted Highway 36 with his blood

and was born again as flowers on a phone pole

metal flesh muscle uncertainty


Nights like this

I think

of all the pretty faces

Damian Rucci is the author of five books of poetry and the unofficial poet laureate of 711. His work has recently appeared on gas station bathroom stalls across the Midwest. He is the founder of the Poetry in the Port reading series and can be reached at